All news
in one Apps.

Stello NEWS brings the world of news right at your fingertips!

breaking news enjoy sports, politics, local,news headlines, world news headlines, and all kinds of news both in the article and video format

Why You Choose Us?

Best Features for Stello App

Stello NEWS brings the world of news right at your fingertips! With Stello NEWS and a smartphone, the largest and latest collection of everyday news is literally one tap away.

Top National Dailies

Get to know the perspective of the rest of the world on an issue Discover the cultural values and differences of other communities Get specific updates about the world through the international news publications

Latest Global News

Get to know the perspective of the rest of the world on an issue Discover the cultural values and differences of other communities Get specific updates about the world through the international news publications

100% Secured & Trustable

Appropriately redefine market positioning leadership skills whereas client-based "outside the box" thinking. Monotonectally engage next-generation leadership skills without one-to-one testing procedures.

Detailed Documentation

Compellingly evisculate impactful e-services for extensible resources. Interactively grow timely e-commerce rather than optimal expertise. Uniquely optimize impactful experiences rather than cooperative.

Wide Range of Categories.

This news portal offers a wide range of categories for news.

Dedicated Publications for Readers.

EStello NEWS collects news and publications from all around the world. Users can find several dedicated publications, free newspapers, magazines, and tabloids of a particular category.

Find out more details about what’s happening around the world in the sector that you find interesting.

Exciting News in Video Format .

Stello News contains world breaking news in video formats too! When you don't feel like reading anymore, you can get an update on something by watching a news video.


Version 6 is now 2x Faster.

Enthusiastically morph unique web-readiness via impactful platforms. Intrinsicly matrix premium expertise for diverse expertise. Intrinsicly drive collaborative bandwidth for accurate testing.

  • Version 6.0
    % Optimized
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App Screenshots

Recusandae ducimus, sequi, sapiente possimus optio impedit efficient services. Completely promote.

Experienced by 2M+ User.

Enthusiastically morph unique web-readiness via impactful platforms. Intrinsicly matrix premium expertise for diverse expertise. Intrinsicly drive collaborative bandwidth for accurate testing.

Stello NEWS offers a great interface for a convenient user experience

Powerful Layout with Responsive functionality that can be adapted to any screen size. Resize browser to view.

Light & Dark Color Scheme

Change your Website's Primary Scheme instantly by simply adding the dark class to the body.

Zoom in or out on a specific portion for convenient reading

We have covered each & everything in our Documentation including Videos & Screenshots.

Customer Testimonials

More user friendly than ever, want regular updates, easy and comfortable app..

Farhan Rishad Play Store user.
Customer Testimonials

It's awesome app..🥰 There have a lot of Newspaper , Magazine, Onlinepaper etc. That's so good.. But improve scrolling and some facture.

Md. Masum Sarde Play Store user.
Customer Testimonials

Just Awesome... Is there any other apps of this great developer?

Sazzad Hasan Play Store user.